Time-blocks and prices / Subsidies


Price for children from 3 to 18 months:
whole day: 154.– Fr./ half day: 112.– Fr.

For children from 19 months and above:
whole day: 142.– Fr./ half day: 103.– Fr.

Minimum attendance period of care: 2 full days, or 3 half days per week. We offer block times from 7.00 a.m. to 6.30 p.m., and from 7.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Siblings receive reduced rates
Food, personal care items, excursions etc. are charged at 10.– Fr. per day.
After the signing of the contract, an entrance fee of 2.000.– Fr. (respectively 1.500.– Fr. for every additional sibling) shall be paid.
A registration fee of 200.– Fr. will also be charged.

After payment of the entrance fee, your place will be definitively confirmed and the contract will come into effect. Rescission of the contract before its commencement, or within the first year (beginning from the date of entrance), will cause the loss of the whole entrance fee. If in the second year of care, half of the entrance fee will be lost. Exceptions: For valid reasons such as complete job changeover, change of residence to another town/country or serious illness of child or parents, we will return the entrance fee.

We have subsidized places. Before registering for a subsidized place, parents should first make an application to the School and Sports Department (please see the following Link here). You will then receive a subsidy application form with a provisional calculation of your individual contribution factor on the basis of the tax data available (latest final tax statement) or a tax simulation.

After you have confirmed this calculation, you will receive a final contribution factor which is valid for a year in each case. When you have received your final contribution factor/confirmation, you should then contact our nursery to ask whether any subsidized places are available.